Voice Of Our Shadow, Sleeping In Flame, Outside The Dog Museum, From The Teeth Of Angels and White Apples are Jonathan Carroll's novels, which action (at least partially) is located in Vienna -- a place full of magic and strange events. Being a Carroll fan I often wondered if all the Vienna locations he describes, really exist. Finally, I decided to go there and see for myself. What I've found is on this site.

How to navigate:
In the Magic Places all the locations are listed. You can also use image maps of Vienna and its Downtown. Once you get to a cenrtain location, you can skip to the next/previous one using arrows on each side. Each location has its map, showing where to find it within the city and its own picture gallery.

Want to know more?
If you want to see more of Vienna, or even to visit the town, click here for some interesting links. For more information on Jonathan Carroll see The Official Website at www.jonathancarroll.com

Did I miss something?
If you have pictures of some location mentioned on this site or if you found something I've missed, let me know. I will appreciate any help.

I'm not an English native speaker. The text is only partially edited, we could oversee some errors. Feel free to notify me about errors and misspellings. Furthermore, to avoid encoding problems, I used only standard characters, so German Umlauts and Accents appear only in maps.

What's new?
Update 2003-08-22

One new location and some new pictures have been added.Look at index for details.

Update History



copyright 2001-2003 JoannaP
last update 2003-06-25
