(Cemetery of the Nameless)

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Placed at Alberner Hafen.
In From the Teeth of Angels Wyatt Leonard recognizes that he is able to "read" the names and stories of people buried at this cemetery.


"There. Go up those stairs."
He didn't move. "How do you know Wyatt?" (...)

Instead of asking how I knew these facts. He started up the narrow staircase. At the top was a strange building that looked like a stone beehive. (From the Teeth of Angels)

(...) you could see behind an ornate locked gate a small but gaudy altar loaded with fresh flowers and on lit candle. Whose job was to come out here first thing every morning to check on the candle and light it? (From the Teeth of Angels)


Down another short set of steps to a waist-high cement wall with FRIEDHOF DER NAMENLOSEN in thick block letters. On the other side of the wall were perhaps a hundred graves. (From the Teeth of Angels)


Almost all had identical black metal crosses at the head of the humps of earth. At the bottom of each cross was a square that looked like a small chalkboard for something to be written, but only a handful had names and dates recorded in white script. (...) (From the Teeth of Angels)